Conference venue and accommodation
The conference venue for the meeting is the Hestia Hotel Europa in Tallinn (Paadi 5). The hotel is situated near the passenger port, but at the same time within close proximity of the old town.
The accommodation is divided between the conference hotel and Hestia Hotel Seaport (Uus-Sadama 23), which is approx. 500 m away.
Travel information
Arriving by air
The Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport (Lennujaam) is only 5 km from the city centre.
Taxi from the airport
The taxi stop is located in front of the arrivals' hall. We recommend using the official taxi partners of Tallinn Airport (Forus Takso, Tallink Takso, Airport Taxi). Ask the driver for the estimated fare from the airport to the hotel, it should be around 20-30 EUR. Depending on the traffic, it will take approximately 20 minutes to get to the hotel. You can also use Uber or Bolt taxies.
Public transport from the airport
Recently the construction of a new tramway has started in Tallinn city centre and it causes several detours in public transport:
- unfortunately tram No. 4 from the airport to city centre is not operating at all;
- bus No. 2 is making a detour and the nearest stop to get off the bus is Kaubamaja (the 6th stop). From there you must walk approx 1 km to Hestia Hotel Europa and 1,5 km to Hestia Hotel Seaport. The bus stop towards city centre is located some hundred meters from the terminal on the big magistral Tartu maantee.
- bus No 15 is a new bus passing the airport. Get off the bus in Estonia stop (the 9th stop) and walk approx. 1,3 km towards the hotels. The bus stop to get in is next to ariport terminal.
If possible, we suggest to take a taxi from the aiprort.
Arriving by road
If you arrive at the bus station, we suggest to take a taxi (the taxis are standing next to final bus stop).
Beacuse of the construction of a new tramway public transport is disrupted.
Please look above, how to get to the hotel using bus No. 2. You must walk some hundred meters first towards the bigger magistral Tartu maantee, to get to the bus stop.
Arriving by sea
The hotels are situated next/close to the passenger port D terminal, which is also a few hundred meters from A and B terminal.
Buying tickets
for public transportation
There are several ways for purchasing tickets for public transportation. The precice information can be found HERE
Please be aware, that there is no possibility to purchase tickets from the driver of the vehicle.
Perks of the venue
Accommodation includes free wifi and breakfast.
The hotels are situated near the fashionable leisure district Rotermanni kvartal, which offers shopping and fine dining opportunities. The big shopping centre Nautica is right next to the Hestia Hotel Europa. Old town is only 700 m away.
The Estonian weather is changeable and we suggest checking the weather forecast at http://www.weather.ee.